About Us
We got our start by building simple furniture, with both quality craftsmanship, and cost effective designs. When we started making furniture, we used whatever materials we could find to create something new. We didn’t have tons of money to invest in tools or fancy materials, and just wanted to spend time in the shop.
After years of creating, we want to give back to the community of new hobby woodworkers. We hope to be a resource for project plans, how to’s and a place to learn about creating value in woodworking.
Our projects aren’t always typical. Sometimes we build things just because, for the story, or to be different from the crowd.
How to build a swarm trap with scrap lumber to go catch free bees. The complete plans and guide will walk you through how we built our DIY Swarm traps in about an hour. Video and description available.
The Long Langstroth Hive or Horizontal Hive is great for the bees, and reduces the need for heavy lifting by the beekeeper. Watch as we build one from two by materials, available at local hardware stores. This project is a quick and cost effective beehive for a woodworking beekeeper!
See how to make a canoe light fixture to hang from a ceiling. We took an older homemade wooden canoe and made a canoe chandelier for the workshop barn. A great way to repurpose that old cedar strip canoe, laying behind the barn.
How to make a custom door jamb for vintage wooden doors. We added massive french doors to our barn workshop and made a cedar jamb to repurpose antique doors and make them functional again.
Make your own farmhouse table legs from a porch post, newel posts or balusters. This simple DIY tutorial shows you how to cut table legs and then build a farmhouse table with barn wood.
Geometric Mountain shelves are easy to make yourself in just a few hours. Check out this DIY tutorial and make your own triangle shelves with snow caps. They are stunning decor, great for any little adventure room!
Learn how to restore a mid century modern coffee table with a step by step approach to restoring this Lane Acclaim series coffee table with inlaid dovetails.
How to build a beehive tips, tricks, and learning after building everything from scratch. See my total cost. You can build a complete beehive cheaper than you can buy it.
There are a lot of pieces when building your own beehive. Learn how to make the covers, bottom board and “one off” components. This is part of a series on how to build a Langstroth Hive.
How to build beehive frames using scrap wood and cut offs in the woodshop. This is a rewarding project in a series on how to build a beehive. Check out the step by step plans, guide, and tips from our experience.
Part 2 in the series of “do it yourself” beehive building. Learn how to build the bee hive boxes and see our process of making deep brood boxes and medium honey supers. Our 8 frame langstroth hives are built using only materials that can be found at big box hardware stores!.
I found 3 hairpin legs and had some leftover Ash lumber sitting in my wood shop. I thought I would "tri" a unique modern inspired coffee table. Check out how to make a triangle coffee table.
A DIY Basement Renovation is cost effective, rewarding and fun. Check out the step by step summary on how to finish a basement for less than $3000, by doing the work yourself.
Outdoor furniture takes a beating over the years from the constant exposure to the elements. Check out this simple how to on giving your patio furniture a makeover!
How to Start a Woodworking Business in 5 Easy Steps. It doesn't have to be hard and doing something small to start can make a big difference in your success. Learn more about how we started a business.
How to build Upper Cabinets that are perfect for a laundry room. This step by step process will show you how to build similar cabinets in your garage using a Kreg Jig, and other simple tools.
How to build your own pallet wood headboard in a few simple steps. Create a stunning reclaimed wood masterpiece in your garage, custom to your bed!
Pallet wood walls add a rustic and unique feature to any room. Learn how to tackle this project yourself in a weekend, and check out our latest reclaimed wall project!
This digital download contains Plans and Builders guide to make a pallet wood headboard for a Twin, Full/Double, Queen, or King. It has options for securing the headboard to a bed frame, or hanging it on the wall.
This digital download contains Plans and Builders guide to make a book shelf using reclaimed barnwood and corrugated metal. These plans could be built using new or old wood and could be finished in many different ways.
This digital download contains Plans and Builders guide to make a “Husky” Bench with Optional Shelf Plans and Builders Guide. It will take you through a step by step process of building a this bench yourself!
This digital download contains Plans and Builders guide to make a pallet wood stool that can be rolled around on casters, and used for storage inside the crate.
This digital download contains Plans and Builders guide to make a DIY Reclaimed Wood Hall Tree with a seat using the reclaimed wood of your choice.
Upcycled Pallet Bench
Use some of that scrap wood laying around the shop on this simple DIY Squirrel Feeder. Make a cute picnic table for your squirrels to sit and eat ear corn off of.