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“Husky” Bench with Optional Shelf Plans and Builders Guide
“Husky” Bench with Optional Shelf Plans and Builders Guide
This digital download contains Plans and Builders guide to make a “Husky” Bench with Optional Shelf Plans and Builders Guide. It will take you through a step by step process of building a this bench yourself!
This project requires the use of a Miter Saw, and Drill (having an air gun for finish nailing is helpful, but not required if you like pounding nails the old fashion way). Feel free to make it, use it, sell it (need advice on starting a woodworking business? - Check out our Guide) , gift it, or any other way you see fit. It can be painted or finished in a variety of ways or a variety of styles.
Finished size: 48” x 14.5” x 18.5”
Estimated Project time: 2-3 hours
Estimated Project Cost: :$25-$50 (depending on wood material selection)